Technical Director, The Jungle Book, Rudyard’s Revision – EnActe Arts – Silicon Valley, CA

EnActe Arts

Job details
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Full Job Description
  • We are seeking an experienced film or theatre technician to fill the role of Technical Director in our upcoming “cine-play” production of The Jungle Book (filming early May, release date early June, streams through summer 2021).
  • The technical director editor will work closely with the production manager and the director.
  • 20-25 hours per week

  • Attend design meeting and production meetings, providing input regarding the capabilities of the technology at hand with regards to proposed set/costume/makeup/sound/lighting designs

  • Work closely with design- and technical-department heads to ensure delivery of practical and digital assets to necessary technical standard
  • Ensure the filming of necessary green-screen assets is performed to proper technical standard, usable in a 1080p final cine-play export
  • Work closely with post-production team (video editor, sound designer, composer, etc.) to ensure the on-schedule delivery of quality final product
  • Work closely with Production Manager to ensure timeliness and efficiency of all technical practices
  • Assist and advise the Director to ensure all designs and assets (before, during, and after filming) are consistent with best practices for the final editing of the cine-play

EnActe Arts is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from all qualified candidates. Start date is immediate.

  • Knowledge of the requirements and limitations of filming and editing with green screens

  • Creation of quality auditory and visual digital content
  • Experience in both filming and editing/post-production in a supervisory role
  • Management of creative and technical teams throughout the production process
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Ability to collate, coordinate, and manage all technical needs of semi-professional “cine-play” production

  • Familiarity with the technical requirements and limitations of Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe AfterEffects, and Adobe Media Encoder

  • Experience in theatre highly recommended


To apply: Fill out the form below or send in your application via email to

If emailing, please state: Application for Technical Director Position in the subject line

Please explain, in brief, your motivation in working for EnActe Arts, and attach a current resume with all relevant experience listed.

EnActe Arts is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from all qualified candidates. Start date is immediate.


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